appropriate accountant for your business in Quebec.

There are many ways to file your business taxes . Among them, we find that of using an accounting service provider outside the company. The first instinct when looking for a good accountant for your business is to go to Google and type in the query. Then all that remains is to choose the one that is easily accessible and offers the services you are looking for. There is also the solution of having a good accountant recommended to you by those around you. Feedback is often a very good way to remove the last doubts.

For an entrepreneur, the accountant specializing in business and taxation plays a crucial role. For this, several factors must be considered in choosing the ideal accountant for your company.

There are big differences between an accounting clerk, an accounting technician, and an accountant . Before signing a business partnership with your future business accountant, it is essential to check his level of training. Indeed, you have to check the extent of his basic knowledge to know if he is competent enough to answer your problems.

A qualified accountant from a professional center may be suitable if you want to do simple bookkeeping. On the other hand, a university-level accountant will be more specialized if you run a business and want to take advantage of targeted tax solutions, such as optimizing your corporate taxes.

If you ever need a tax accountant, check that he has a graduate degree from a recognized university (master’s degree in taxation). Also, a specialty in business should not be neglected with the ultimate goal of directing you to various grant and financing programs.

The professionalism of the accountant

In addition to training, the accountant must have a certain professionalism in different areas of activity.

In order to protect yourself and receive the best possible advice, make sure your business accountant is part of a professional order, such as the Order of Chartered Professional Accountants of Quebec. Belonging to this order certifies that your accountant is undergoing continuous training (therefore, aware of the latest changes in the law). Also, you are guaranteed to have recourse in the event of professional misconduct on his part. This is an important additional guarantee that allows you to work in complete safety.

Also, the business accountant you choose must have knowledge and mastery of the various accounting software and corporate tax returns essential to the performance of his duties. These simple and effective softwares provide access to an automatic update of all legislative changes. Thanks to them, you can benefit from an electronic transmission of your data and access your previous declarations. This allows you to speed up the process and saves you time and money.

Accountant’s experience

It goes without saying that an experienced accountant will be more comfortable answering your most detailed tax return questions. The same is true when it comes to tax tips and strategies for your business. “Experience is the best teacher”. A newbie accountant may be less expensive and know a few tricks to help you pay less tax , but the risk of errors or omissions will be greater.

The experienced accountant also has a large network of contacts including various professionals such as financial planners, bankers, lawyers and other tax specialists who will be able to complete and enhance their knowledge. It is important to understand that a good business accountant does not know everything. However, he has enough experience to surround himself with the right people and direct you to the right professional.

The relationship of trust with the company accountant

To maintain a good professional relationship with your business accountant, it is absolutely necessary that you maintain a relationship of trust with him. A good relationship is essential since you will have to entrust confidential information to this person.

The availability of your accountant (feedback on your requests, response time to your emails or phone calls) and his willingness to help you concretely are qualities to look for. If you have the impression of disturbing him with each of your requests or that your accountant is not listening enough to you, nothing obliges you to continue working with him. Keep in mind that as an entrepreneur, your time is an important resource.

Where to find a good accountant for your business?

Now that you know the criteria for choosing a business accountant, let’s see where and how to look for one. For this, a multitude of choices are available to you: from the recommendation to a specific search on the Internet. No method is preferable to another, it is a question of proceeding according to your desires and skills.

Find an accountant directly

In the majority of cases, an entrepreneur or merchant satisfied with his accountant and living in a situation similar to yours will recommend him to you for your business. Validate their knowledge, experience and values ​​to verify that they are suitable for your needs.

Sometimes you just have to think about it a bit, and a name can come to your mind! Whether through your immediate network of contacts, a group of entrepreneurs or with professionals (banker, financial planner, lawyer), a service well rendered will go a long way! Recommendation is one of the most important sources in business.

If you are new to the area, chambers of commerce and entrepreneur support centres, in addition to guiding you in choosing the status of your business creation , can be a good solution. They have excellent sources of contacts in the geographical area where your company is located.

Find an accountant online

Today, the Internet includes an infinite source of information. In just a few clicks, you will find answers to all your questions. The sites and other blogs will guide you in your search. Do not hesitate to use them until you find a partner that meets your expectations. Among the most used, we recommend:

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